Tell the Politicians in Columbus to Oppose Universal Background Checks!

Radical gun-grabbers in Columbus are convinced that with Joe Biden in the White House, this is their year to push for a statewide gun registry in Ohio under the guise of ‘Universal Background Checks.’

This legislation will likely make FELONS out of Ohioans who transfer a firearm, even to members of their own family, without first obtaining government permission!

Universal background checks have not stopped a single mass shooting over the last ten years. But passing this legislation isn’t about stopping crime, it’s about giving the government a list of every gun owner in the state!

Afterall, before the government can ever try to confiscate your guns, they first have to know where they are.

Help us fight back against this bill by sending this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to your State Senator and State Representative today — making sure they know that you want them to ‘VOTE NO’ on any form of ‘Universal Background Check’ legislation.

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of Ohio Gun Owners so that we can keep fighting for you in Columbus and in D.C. You can get involved at!