YOUR OFFICIAL OGO Membership Ballot is Here!

YOUR OFFICIAL OGO Membership Ballot is Here!

Congress and our Ohio General Assembly will be kicking off the 2022 session in just a couple of days, which is why our team has been working around the clock to finalize our battle plans for the upcoming year — and the budget we need to be effective. I have to...

Video Update: The Gun Rights Battle in 2022!

Happy New Year from all of us at Ohio Gun Owners! 2021 was an incredible year in our fight for the Second Amendment as gun owners shut down Biden’s gun control agenda and achieved tremendous victories in state legislatures. But what’s going to happen this year in...
Send This Email to Portman And Brown Today!

Send This Email to Portman And Brown Today!

We’re just days away from the end of 2021, but the fights over our Second Amendment freedoms are already getting WHITE HOT for 2022 — and that’s why I am writing you today! As we told you just before Christmas, gnarled-handed tyrants Dianne Feinstein and Dick...

VIDEO: Senate Constitutional Carry Vote Recap

I wanted to send you this short email recapping our victory yesterday, and encourage you to watch this video that Rob and I shot outside of the Statehouse shortly after the vote took place: We learned shortly after shooting this video that Republican State Senator...
VICTORY: Constitutional Carry PASSES Ohio Senate!

VICTORY: Constitutional Carry PASSES Ohio Senate!

K’BOOOOM! OHIO HISTORY HAS BEEN MADE… AGAIN! With a tidal wave of grassroots pressure pushing them from behind, the Ohio Senate just HAMMERED Constitutional Carry through by a vote of 23 to 8! This is a massive victory for gun owners in Ohio and we get to enjoy this...