Help us STOP H.R. 8!

Help us STOP H.R. 8!

Nancy Pelosi is working around the clock to deal a kill shot to our gun rights as she works to pass H.R. 8. This bill would create what the gun-grabbers have always wanted: a national database of every gun and gun owner in the country! This bill already has a whopping...
Congress to Take Up National Gun Registry Legislation TODAY!

Congress to Take Up National Gun Registry Legislation TODAY!

As we work around the clock trying to add Ohio to the growing list of Stand-Your-Ground and Constitutional Carry states, we are also paying close attention to the war against gun owners going on in Washington, D.C. That’s why I’m writing you today, as it appears...
Here Are The Cosponsors For Constitutional Carry So Far:

Here Are The Cosponsors For Constitutional Carry So Far:

“Have folks call ’em. That’ll get ’em to cosponsor the bill!” That’s what OGO member Matt just told me on the phone when he called our office to ask some particulars about Constitutional Carry. You see, Representatives Tom Brinkman...