One year ago this morning, a killer walked into the Oregon District in Dayton, OH and murdered nine people and wounded seventeen others.
We were on scene that evening to mourn the loss of those innocent people.
But the Radical Left’s insatiable urge to spin the blood of the innocent dead into political gold for their agenda of total gun-control immediately took center stage.
At the vigil that evening, politicians of all stripes took to the microphone to attack gun owners and our precious Second Amendment and to call for the disarming of every gun owner in America.
Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley, Congressman Tim Ryan and Governor Mike DeWine all used the vigil as an opportunity to virtue-signal to the crowd their unwavering dedication to passing gun-control.
But as you know, my friend, it did not stop there.
Governor DeWine, who is public enemy #1 to Ohio gun rights, launched a series of press conferences in the lead up to his gun-control agenda introduction on October 7, 2019.
That Monday, DeWine launched a full-frontal attack on gun owners by unveiling Senate Bill 221, his so-called “Strong Ohio” plan for ramming gun-control into law.
Introduced by Democrat-turned-fake-Republican Matt Dolan (Rino-Chagrin Falls), the bill is a deadly combination of Red-Flag Gun Confiscation and Universal Gun Registration.
And we’ve been fighting tooth and nail against it ever since.
Gun owners from every county of our state have contacted their State Representatives and State Senators in the General Assembly demanding it be stopped.
Thousands upon thousands of gun owners have emailed their politicians insisting they stand up and fight back against it and vote NO.
So far, gun owners like you have successfully blocked SB221 from passing.
But even though far more people have contacted the General Assembly in opposition to gun-control than those who support it, we still face an uphill battle.
Let me be very clear: DeWine’s gun-control bill, SB221, is NOT dead – not by a long shot.
As all eyes focus on the shutdowns from the China Virus and the national elections in November, our Statehouse sources tell us that DeWine is working diligently towards passing SB221 in the coming Lame Duck Session!
So today on the one year anniversary of the Dayton killings, please keep the memory of the innocent dead and their families in your prayers.
And when you are finished, HONOR the memory of the innocent dead by taking action to make sure our freedom to defend ourselves from violent killers remains intact.
You and I have always known that the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
Dayton proved that.
Disarming gun owners would make us and the people we defend just as helpless as the innocent people murdered a year ago today.

The only way we’ll be successful at stopping their assault is if we never let up, so please contact both of your politicians in Columbus right away.
Also, please contribute whatever amount you can afford to Ohio Gun Owners right away!

Ohio Gun Owners is firing on all cylinders right now, working hard to defeat the Dewine/Husted gun control agenda, advance pro-gun legislation as well as making dang sure that gun owners’ voices are THUNDERING in the coming elections!
Keep fighting!
For Ohio,

Chris Dorr
Executive Director
Ohio Gun Owners
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