Your calls and emails to your state representatives at the Statehouse in Columbus are working.
In fact, Representatives have been adding their names left and right as cosponsors to Representative Hood’s Constitutional Carry bill all last week!
But you and I can’t let up now – we need more!
As you know, the Constitutional Carry bill is open for co-sponsors, and NOW is the time for YOUR state representative to add their name as an author.
Gun owners are always trying to find out whether or not a politician is telling the truth when they say “I support the Second Amendment.”
Heck, even former President Obama said he did.
But right now is the chance for your representative to prove their talk is more than just campaign rhetoric to get elected.
That’s why I’m asking you to call them up or email them TODAY and tell them you want them to co-sponsor Representative Hood’s Constitutional Carry bill!
If you’ve already called or emailed them, thank you so much.
Now please call or email again!
After you’ve done that, please click forward on this email and send it to your 5 closest gun owning friends and ask them to do the same.
The deadline for your representative to cosponsor is rapidly approaching.
Constitutional Carry is the simple idea that law-abiding gun owners should be able to carry a defensive firearm if they’re not legally prohibited from owning one.
It’s on the move all across the country! In fact, just two weeks ago North Dakota became the 13th state in the country to pass Constitutional Carry!
1 out of every 4 states no longer requires you to beg permission or pay fees to exercise your Right to Keep and Bear Arms!
Your representatives need to hear from you. After all, they work for you.
My state representative, Bill Dean, has already signed on as a co-sponsor to the bill.
Has yours?
Call or email them and tell them to co-sponsor Representative Hood’s Constitutional Carry bill right away!
To find out who your representative is, please click here.
And if you could, please consider making a contribution to Ohio Gun Owners to help us mobilize like-minded folks all across the state to get involved in this effort.
But please, call or email your state representative TODAY and tell them to co-sponsor Constitutional Carry!
For Freedom,

Chris Dorr
Executive Director
Ohio Gun Owners
P.S. Momentum is building behind Constitutional Carry as your calls and emails to your state representatives in Columbus have their effect!
But with the deadline for cosponsoring Constitutional Carry rapidly approaching, we need to ramp up the calls and emails.
That’s why I’m asking you to call and email them TODAY and tell them you expect them to sign on as a co-sponsor!
To find out who represents you, click here.
After you’re done, please forward this on to your family and friends and ask them to do the same thing!
And if you’re able, please consider making a generous contribution to Ohio Gun Owners to help us mobilize gun owners all across the state to get involved in this effort.
But please, call and email your state representative TODAY and tell them to co-sponsor Constitutional Carry!