Urgent: Pressure Mounting Fast on Biden’s Assault Weapons Ban!

Urgent: Pressure Mounting Fast on Biden’s Assault Weapons Ban!

If you’ve been watching the news over the last two weeks, you already know that the political winds in Washington seem to be shifting in favor of the Radical Left. Republican Senate candidates in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and even here in Ohio are seeing their...
Assault Weapon Ban is Their Top Priority!

Assault Weapon Ban is Their Top Priority!

The biggest gun control battle of the year is going to kick off in just two weeks, and this fight is not just over our right to own an AR-15. It’s a fight over the future of our country! While Nancy Pelosi was able to pass H.R. 1808 through the House with a few votes...
Yesterday’s Election Victories and the road ahead

Yesterday’s Election Victories and the road ahead

Gun voters flooded the polls yesterday and scored BIG WINS in our fight for freedom here at Ohio Gun Owners! From legislative primary elections to Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee slots, gun owners triggered a wave of ballot-box success unlike anything...
T-Minus 90 Minutes

T-Minus 90 Minutes

The polls are closing in T-Minus 90 minutes. So if you haven’t yet voted, now is the time. To see our voter guides for the State Legislative Primary and Republican State Central Committee election, click the buttons below ↓↓ >>> LEGISLATIVE PRIMARY...
OGO Voter Guides!

OGO Voter Guides!

When it comes to gun rights in Ohio, no single day has more of an effect on freedom than today’s primaries for the General Assembly and the Republican State Central Committee elections. Here is why they are important: 2022 Primary for Ohio General Assembly When gun...
Who Will Fight for Gun Owners in House District 98?

Who Will Fight for Gun Owners in House District 98?

Ohio Gun Owners has been working around the clock surveying legislative and Republican State Central Committee candidates across the state. We asked them the same question: with the Second Amendment under non-stop attack, what will you do to fight to defend our right...