The battle to pass Constitutional Carry is heating up quick!
For months now Ohio Gun Owners has been collecting petitions from Second Amendment supporters all across Ohio in support for Constitutional Carry.
As you know, Constitutional Carry is the simple idea you shouldn’t have to beg government permission or pay taxes and fees to exercise your Right to carry a firearm for self-defense.
Already law in eleven states and moving through legislatures in over a DOZEN more, there may never be a better time than 2017 to pass it!
We’ve been deploying everything from huge amounts of direct mail to digital video ads to social media campaigns, all directed at mobilizing and activating gun owners to this fight.
Beginning this week, we’re working to channel that momentum into action for taking back our gun rights.
After the BEATDOWN anti-gunners like Hillary Clinton received here in the elections, the grassroots are fired up and mobilized like never before.
With the largest “pro-gun” majorities in Ohio history, the political class knows they need to pass something HUGE – or pay a crippling price in the next elections.
And they’re keenly aware that Constitutional Carry is on the move all across the country!
We’re working with Representative Ron Hood and several others to complete the drafting process to bring Constitutional Carry forward.
It should be done any day now!
As soon as we have the final language, we’ll be sharing that here with you so that you can read through it before sharing it with your friends and family.
But as soon as we have it, we’re going to need your help.
We’ll be asking you to call, email, facebook and visit your state representatives in person to get them to co-sponsor this major pro-gun bill.
A lot of politicians like to tell you how much they “support the Second Amendment” and then promptly forget their campaign promises after they’re elected.
Many of them are NOT going to want to go on record in support for restoring your Second Amendment Rights!
That’s why they need to hear from YOU – the grassroots voters from back home – telling them that you expect them to co-sponsor Rep Ron Hood’s Constitutional Carry bill!
Gun-grabbers across the country are already mobilizing in the states where Constitutional Carry is on the move.
And Bloomberg will pour his hundreds of thousands, if not MILLIONS, of dollars into a state-wide media BLITZ attacking pro-gun legislators!
As America’s premier anti-gun advocate, Bloomberg’s infamous for his all-out campaigns to terrorize entire legislatures into backing away from pro-gun reforms.
He’s tried in states like Missouri, West Virginia and Idaho, and with Ohio’s bellwether status on the national political scene Bloomberg won’t hold anything back!
That’s why your contribution of just $10 or $15 will help so much, even if you’re already a member.
Every single additional gun-owner we can mobilize now will pay dividends down the road!
So get ready, and thank you for all you do to defend our Right to Keep and Bear Arms!
For Freedom,

Chris Dorr
Executive Director
Ohio Gun Owners
P.S. If you’ve renewed your membership in Ohio Gun Owners for 2017, thank you so much!
But if you haven’t yet done so, please know your renewed membership is critically important.
Ohio Gun Owners members like you are KEY to protecting and advancing our Second Amendment rights here in Ohio.
We need to mobilize every gun owner we possibly can if we’re to be successful in making Ohio the 12th state to pass Constitutional Carry!