The truth is, I believe 2017 is going to be a critical year for Second Amendment supporters here in Ohio.
You know what happened around the country on Election Day 2016.
But the truth is, here in Ohio, Second Amendment supporters had plenty of our own successes as well.
That’s why now is the time to ensure there are no more broken promises or excuses.
Instead, it’s time for legislators to DELIVER by passing Stand-Your-Ground and Constitutional Carry to restore Ohio’s place as one of the leading pro-Second Amendment states in the country.
Without these laws on the books, Ohio is falling further and further behind other states in the nation when it comes to protecting our Second Amendment rights.
In fact, according to Guns & Ammo Magazine, there are only 15 states in the country with worse gun laws!
And every day we don’t DEMAND action from Columbus, it’s like rolling out the red carpet for Michael Bloomberg and his anti-gun pals to jump into Ohio with their tens of millions of dollars.
You see, gun-grabbers already believe they need to do more to build up their presence in the Midwest where they were crushed in the 2016 elections.
As a perennial presidential tossup state, they’re looking hard at Ohio as a prime spot to set up camp . . .
So should you and I allow legislators in Columbus to weasel out of their campaign promises and hand us nothing but excuses, it could result in DISASTER.
Instead, it would send the message to BILLIONAIRE gun-grabbers like Michael Bloomberg and George Soros that our state is ripe for the takeover.
That’s why it’s time to insist on IMMEDIATE passage of:
*** Constitutional Carry, which would restore the right of Ohio citizens to carry a firearm to protect themselves and their families –- WITHOUT going through a bunch of bureaucratic rigmarole or paying expensive fees.
Just in the past two years, Constitutional Carry has passed in Kansas, Maine, Idaho, West Virginia, Mississippi and Missouri.In Maine, it passed with a Democrat State Senate. In Missouri and West Virginia, it passed with a Democrat Governor. So there’s no reason why Constitutional Carry can’t soon be reality here.
The good news is, your action and generous support here in Ohio is proven to make an incredible impact.
In fact, the gun issue was a decisive factor in several of the most important races across the state, including:
>>> House District 53, where pro-gun challenger Candice Keller (R) defeated the squishy establishment pick during the primaries and went on to defeat anti-gun Democrat Suzi Rubin (D) in the November elections;
>>> House District 74, where pro-gun Republican Bill Dean defeated gun control advocate Barb Niemeyer.
These victories — along with leaders like Ron Hood, Nino Vitale, Tom Brinkman, Paul Zeltwanger and Jim Butler — gives us a solid core of support as we get to work in the Ohio House.But most importantly, with your help, we’re sending the message to politicians in BOTH parties that they betray Second Amendment supporters at their own political peril.
This is really the KEY in any state legislative battle.
That’s why Ohio Gun Owners doesn’t care about making friends.
We don’t care about being invited to the swanky cocktail parties in Columbus or getting nice articles written about us in the Plain Dealer or the Columbus Dispatch.
We care about one thing, and one thing only. That’s the protection of our Second Amendment freedoms.
That doesn’t make us the most popular group with the lobbyists and the political class.
But it makes us the most effective group in fighting for our gun rights.
And that’s because of your generous support.
So won’t you please renew today with your most generous contribution of $125 or $75?
I know that’s a lot to ask for.
Of course, as you’ll see, there’s no set “renewal fee.”
The amount you choose is up to you. But I hope after seeing the incredible impact you’re making — and the big wins on the horizon — you’ll be more willing than ever to “dig deep.”
Web, you’re a critical part of this winning team.
Thanks so much for all you do.
For Freedom,

Chris Dorr
Executive Director
Ohio Gun Owners
P.S. If you’ve renewed your membership in Ohio Gun Owners for 2017, thank you so much!But if you haven’t yet done so, please know your renewed membership is critically important.Ohio Gun Owners members like you are KEY to protecting and advancing our Second Amendment rights here in Ohio.