In just a few hours, Governor John Kasich will be giving his last State of the Union address as the Governor of Ohio.
I wish I could say tell you that gun owners can take it easy for the remainder of his term.
But Web, we simply cannot!
In fact, as Governor Kasich lays the groundwork for a future presidential run, he has launched an all-out attack on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
➤➤ He SUPPORTS BANNING modern firearms, as Senate Bill 260 would do.
➤➤ He SUPPORTS Bloomberg’s Universal Gun Registration agenda that would lay the groundwork for gun confiscation down the road.
➤➤ He SUPPORTS raising the age from eighteen to twenty-one years of age to buy a firearm.
➤➤ He SUPPORTS “Emergency Red Flags” legislation that would obliterate due-process for gun owners.
➤➤ He SUPPORTS BANNING “hi-capacity” magazines, including any magazine that holds 10 rounds or more.
But Kasich’s support doesn’t end with his vocal support on CNN.
As you already know, Kasich announced last week that he is working on a multi-pronged gun-control package that will be introduced in our General Assembly SOON.
Worse, Kasich has already conspired to get the support of Republican Senate President Larry Obhof and Republican House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger!
In other words, our “pro-gun majority” is prepped and primed to PASS a major gun-control bill instead of going to war for gun owners by passing pro-gun bills.
It’s time for all hands on deck.
That’s why we’re asking you, TODAY, to sign the petition AGAINST Kasich’s gun-control proposals.
Our sources at the Statehouse tell us that Kasich’s team is trying to make a deal with a pro-gun representative to spearhead this gun-control efforts in order to confuse gun voters.
Kasich is moving quickly, even telling reporters “we aren’t going to wait long on this,” because he doesn’t want gun owners to have time to mobilize against him!
That’s why we need to act quickly.
Ohio Gun Owners is mobilizing gun owners across the state right now to join us in fighting back against this gun-control.
We’ve deployed massive amounts of direct mail, huge petition drives and are saturating social media with sponsored ads to mobilize gun owners.
If we can afford it, we’re going up statewide with the hardest-hitting radio ads Ohio has ever seen, as well!
That’s why I hope after you’ve submitted your petition against Kasich’s gun-grab that you’ll consider making a contribution to these efforts.
Maybe you can afford a significant contribution of $250 or $125?
We can do SO MUCH MORE if we have the resources.
Or if $250 or $125 is too much, maybe you can afford $50 or $30?
Whatever amount you choose, gun owners cannot afford to ignore this outright assault on our Second Amendment freedoms!
Gun owners didn’t take these threats seriously in states like Washington, Connecticut, Oregon, Massachusetts, Colorado or Nevada.
And today, along with states like Illinois and California, gun owners in those states wish dearly for their children’s sakes that they DID.
That’s why Ohio Gun Owners is mobilizing a grassroots army – IF we can raise the resources.
So please click and submit your petition AGAINST Kasich’s gun-grab right away.
For Freedom,
Chris Dorr, Director
Ohio Gun Owners
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